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    2021-02-11 11:30 韶关人事考试网 来源:韶关银行招聘网韶关华图在线咨询



      Westwood hotel

      As part of our commitment to provide the best service to our guests, routine maintenance on the water delivery system and pumps is scheduled to take place for the following date and time:

      Tuesday, January 7th

      9:00a.m.-2:00 p.m.

      During the above period, water supply in the hotel may be stopped temporarily.After the maintenance work is performed, the water may become discolored due to the sediment in the supply system.If this happens, please run the water for a while until it becomes clear again.If the water does not run clear after 3 minutes, please inform us of this problem, and then our maintenance personnel will take an immediate action.(please note that decolorization itself does not pose a risk to health.)

      In addition, the water pressure may fluctuate during the period of maintenance.Thus, we would appreciate it if you could shut off all the faucets in the tub and sink securely before leaving the room to prevent possible flooding.

      If you would like to have more information on this, please feel free to call the front desk.We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.We wish you a very pleasant stay with us here at Westwood.

      1.Why will there be interruptions in the water supply? ( )

      A.The water delivery system in the hotel is broken.

      B.The water has been found to be contaminated.

      C.A scheduled maintenance work will be carried out.

      D.A new water delivery system will be installed.

      【答案】C。可根据文段第一段得知“As part of our commitment to provide the best service to our guests, routine maintenance on the water delivery system and pumps is scheduled to take place”C项符合文段第一段的原因。A项说的是供水系统坏了,但文段没有提及,排除。B项指的是发现水被污染。C项指的是计划的常规的维护。D项指将会安装新的供水系统。因此答案选C项。

      2.When are the hotel guests asked to contact the staff? ( )

      A.If no hot water is coming out of the faucet

      B.If the water continues to be discolored

      C.If the water pressure is too low

      D.If the sediment is not visible in the water

      【答案】D。根据“If the water does not run clear after 3 minutes, please inform us of this problem, and then our maintenance personnel will take an immediate action”可知,B项符合。A项侧重如果热手没有流出。C项侧重要是水压过小。D项指的是要是在水里看不见沉淀物。因此答案选B项。

      3.Which of the following is NOT said in this notice? ( )

      A.The water may run slowly at times.

      B.The discolored water is not hazardous to health.

      C.The water will be tested for contamination.

      D.The guests can call the front desk if they are not sure of this scheduled work.

      【答案】B项可从“please note that decolorization itself does not pose a risk to health”该句中得知。D项可从文段中的最后一句“If you would like to have more information on this, please feel free to call the front desk”得知。根据“In addition, the water pressure may fluctuate during the period of maintenance”该句可知水流会时大时小,因此就是没有提到沉淀物会被检测,因此答案选D项。

      点击购买>>>2021全国银行系统招聘考试一本通+历年真题及全真密押卷+高分必做题库 3本装2021年韶关银行招聘考试每日一练(2021年2月11日)













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